Socks Cat here with your Weekend Report. Last night the living room was the scene of wild frivolity as the kittens were allowed to explore the sofa. We go now to Riker for a full report.

Riker: Thank you mom. Yes, last night the Ashton Living Room was transformed from a quiet, tranquil retreat into a furry blur of meowing, climbing, craziness. The four kittens were allowed to climb around on the sofa under heavy surveillance. Two of the Ashton peoples were required to keep the aliens under control. They scrambled around until they finally collapsed in an exhausted little pile.

Socks: Grace was also on scene. Grace, are you awake today?

Grace: {Yawn} Yes, I’m mostly awake today. {Yawn} The kittens certainly did show remarkable dexterity for being so very young, but I was most impressed by the rapidity with which they were able to achieve a napping state. One minute they would be careening around, and the next they were dropping off to sleep. Very impressive. All this talk of napping is making me very sleepy, back to you Mum.

Socks: Thank you Grace. For the big, shocking news of the weekend we now proceed to Freckles for our LIVE report.

Freckles: 4 ov tHems LEFt in a bOx. 2 uF thems coMeD back.

Socks: Freckles, are you saying that the Ashton’s took all four of the alien kittens somewhere, and came back with only two?

Freckles: tHemS diDunT taKe Mi bOx.

Socks: Yes, but Freckles, do you know where the other two alien kittens have gone?

Freckles: niCe lAdy gaVed tHem a HOme. ShE tOokeD 2 sO TheYd haVe aa fRiEnD.

Socks: This is incredible news. Apparently two of the kittens now have a good home with a very nice lady who will take care of both of them. This leaves us with the question of the two remaining alien felines. With more on this situation we go now to Tashi.

Tashi: Well Socks, I have been hiding in strategic locations around the house to get the real story. The situation is indeed grave. The Ashtons are apparently going to keep these two kittens and add them to our numbers. I repeat, The Cats of Ashton Hall are now seven in number!

Socks: Tashi, do you mean to tell me that we are going to have to accept these kittens as part of our number? This isn’t going to sit well with some of the cats. We all feel badly for the little, motherless, youngsters, but that doesn’t change the fact that our turf is being encroached upon!

Tashi: That’s true Socks. The battle lines will soon be drawn and only time will tell the outcome of this insurgence.

Socks: Well folks it appears that this is only the beginning. Knowing the extent of our personal jealousies towards outsiders interfering with the delicate equilibrium of human time-sharing we have developed, the naturalization of these alien kittens is sure to be, um, eventful. This is Socks Cat signing off.
Labels: Alien Invasion
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